There’s a garage site a stone’s throw
away from Tottenham Hale Station that is designated as Green Belt, but there is
not a blade of grass to be seen. In fact, apart from a green car parked in the
garage, there is no green to be seen anywhere.
Why does this matter? Because this Green Belt designation has prevented
a Housing Association from building affordable homes on the site.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government's consultation
regarding the National Planning Policy Framework provided the perfect
opportunity to make this case. Along with Politicians, academics, economists,
charities and Housing Associations, Siobhain submitted the below proposal.
You can read more about the campaign here: City
AM, Telegraph,
Standard, The
Times, City
Group Submission
Background: A Crisis of Housing Supply
There is a broad consensus that
Britain, in general, England in particular, and London most of all, is
suffering from a near housing crisis: of affordability and supply. The
epicentre of this crisis is London and its wider region although there are
grave problems of access and affordability elsewhere. The Government has
adopted an ambitious target of generating an additional 300,000 homes a year
for England. The 2018 GLA draft plan has an annual target of 65,000 ‘net additions’
a year. This would be well over double the average achieved in the past 10
These ambitious targets need to be set
in the context of history. Historically housing targets were set in terms of
building. There was recognition as long as 20 years ago that there was an
impending problem of housing supply and affordability. The Barker Review was
set up in 2002 to address these problems. Out of that a target for annual house
building of 240,000 emerged in 2007 with 2m of the target to be built by 2016.
In the outturn only 1.3m houses were built in that 10 years and in 2016 annual
building, far from being 240,000 a year, was 140,000. In 2007 the GLA
established an annual target of 31,505 houses (raised to 33,400 in 2009). The
actual number of houses built in the GLA from 2007 to 2016 averaged 20,709 –
only about one third of the current target.

The point of this is to emphasise the
long term nature of our housing supply problem and the difficulty of tackling
it without radical changes. The revision of the National Planning Policy
Framework provides an opportunity make a constructive start to improving our
ability to build more houses.
The Green Belt
A critical factor contributing to the
difficulty in building houses accessible to jobs is the supply of land. One
policy, the Metropolitan Green Belt, prevents building over an area more than
three times that of the GLA: the Metropolitan Green Belt accounts for nearly
one third of all Green Belt land in England despite the pressure of demand for
housing being highest in this region. In all, Green Belt designation prevents
any building over an area nearly half as big again as all urbanised land in
England. Green Belts were established not to preserve open countryside for
environmental or recreational use but to stop settlements merging and safeguard
historic towns. We strongly support the NPPF’s overriding goals of
protecting the environment and our beautiful country side and promoting
sustainable transport and development which complements that. But the NPPF
also, rightly, supports a presumption in favour of sustainable development.
With these considerations in mind we
would suggest that there should be a presumption in favour of permitting
development of any land within one kilometre of a train station (TfL or
National Rail) which provides access to London Zone 1 within a 45 minute travel
time unless that land fell into one or more of these categories:
Protected under the Birds and Habitats Directives and/or designated as
Sites of Special Scientific Interest; land designated as Local Green Space, an
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; land within a National Park (or the Broads
Authority) or defined as Heritage Coast; irreplaceable habitats including
ancient woodland; aged or veteran trees; designated heritage assets (and other
heritage assets of archaeological interest referred to in footnote 55 of the
draft NPPF); and areas at risk of flooding or coastal change.
It is judged that this proposal would
reflect the overarching goal of promoting sustainable development and greatly
improve the supply of housing since land capable of providing more than 1
million homes could be released. It would give reality to the aim of promoting
sustainable transport. The purposes of Green Belt designation set out in the
NPPF para 133 do not include any environmental or recreational benefits; the
exemptions set out above would ensure that no land of significant environmental
or amenity value could be developed and, in reality, much of the land which
would be made available for development is not green at all. There
should, therefore, be no concern that the aim of sustainable development would
be impaired, especially since there would be significant benefits in terms of
improving sustainable transport.
This proposal, if implemented, would
not lessen the protection of any Green Belt land further than one kilometre
from a station giving access to London Zone 1 within 45 minutes. But it would
yield a presumption of residential-led development for land close to such stations.
In the first instance local communities would be encouraged to develop plans
detailing the form of development acceptable on the released land and setting
out other guidelines for its development. However, the housing crisis is urgent
and to avoid protracted delay this process should be confined to a reasonable
time limit. How long it would be reasonable to allow for the formulation of
local plans for the use of the released land should be agreed after the
adoption of this revised NPPF provision.
The signatories of this submission call
upon the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to enable, under
the revised National Planning Policy Framework, a presumption in favour of
housebuilding on Green Belt land within 1 Km (roughly a 10-minute walk) of a
tube or train station giving access to London Zone 1 within 45 minute travel
time except for land falling into the exemptions outlined in this proposal.
Siobhain McDonagh, Labour MP for Mitcham and
Nick Boles, Conservative MP for Grantham and
Rt Hon David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenham
Chuka Umunna, Labour MP for Streatham
Sir Peter Bottomley, Conservative MP for
Worthing West
Karen Buck, Labour MP for Westminster North
Neil Coyle, Labour MP for Bermondsey and Old
Rt Hon Robert Halfon, Conservative MP for
Seema Malhotra, Labour MP for Feltham and
Rt Hon Dame Margaret Hodge, Labour MP for
Dr Rupa Huq, Labour MP for Ealing Central and
Marie Rimmer, Labour MP for St Helens South
and Whiston
Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Labour MP for Brighton,
Matt Western, Labour MP for Warwick and
The Rt Hon. The Lord Adonis
Lord Wolfson of Aspley Guise, Conservative
Lord Richard Layard, Labour
Lord Lucas, Conservative
Viscount Ridley DL, Conservative
All Party Parliamentary Group for London
Planning and Built Environment
Mark Littlewood, Director General of the
Institute of Economic Affairs
Sam Dumitriu, Head of Research, Adam Smith
Philip Salter, Founder, The Entrepreneurs
Graeme Leach, Chief Executive and Chief
Economist of Macronomics
Andrew Carter, Chief Executive, Centre for
Peter Murray, Chairman of the London Society
London YIMBY
Geoff Beacon, Chair of the Pollution Tax
Taxpayers’ Alliance
Reuben Young, Director, PricedOut
Oxford YIMBY
Jon Manns, House Me London Campaign Group
Sean McKee, Director of Policy and Public
Affairs, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI has a particular focus
on poor quality green belt land being unlocked to house London’s emergency
services workers).
Nicholas Falk Executive Director of The URBED
Chris Rumfitt, Chief Executive, Field
Ufuk Bahar, Managing Director at Urbanist
Duncan Bowie, Senior Research Associate,
Bartlett School of Planning; Chair, Highbury Group on Housing Delivery;
Convenor, London and Wider South East Strategic Planning Network
Mark Kingsley-Williams, Founder, LawPanel
Simon Hawtin, Director Hawtin Estates Limited
Jack Powell, Editor-in-Chief of 1828
Associations and Trusts
g15 London:
Catalyst Housing Association
Clarion Housing Group
Hyde Housing
London and Quadrant Housing Trust
Network Homes
Notting Hill Genesis
Southern Housing Group
Newlon Housing Trust
Origin Housing Association
MOAT Housing Association
Women’s Pioneer Housing Association
The Whiteley Homes Trust
The Abbeyfield Society
Professor Paul Cheshire, London School of
Professor Christian Hilber, London School of
Professor Ian Gordon, London School of
Professor Michael
Ball, University of Reading