Campaigns Home / Campaigns Showing records 21 to 30 of 56 Free School MealsMany families reliant on free school meals already struggle to put food on the table. At a time of financial uncertainty for many, our most vulnerable families are not receiving the support they are entitled to. Save St Helier 2020The new year started with a major local announcement. It’s happening again… our local health services have launched a consultation on the future of St Helier Hospital, running until 1st April. Brexit: People's VoteAfter years of Brexit debate, Parliament remains in gridlock. But the solution is clear: let the people decide. Housing Crisis and High PayWhilst our country is in the grips of a housing crisis, the four FTSE 100 housebuilding companies spent an eye watering £53.2 million on their CEO pay. And so I called for a debate in the House of Commons! National School Breakfast ProgrammeIn Mitcham and Morden,10 schools benefit from the wonderful National School Breakfast programme. But it is under threat... Privately Rented HousingHazel works as a carer for the elderly but lives in the most appalling conditions in a privately rented property. More than 1 in 7 councils in England & Wales have failed to prosecute a bad landlord for the last 3 years. Who stands up for Hazel? Bobbies on the Beat!Siobhain is fighting for more bobbies on the beat to combat the antisocial behaviour and street drinking in Mitcham Town Centre! Please join her poster campaign! Fat Cat FridayBy lunchtime on Friday 4th January, the UK’s top Chief Executives had earned more than their average employees would over the course of this entire year. That’s why I brought a debate on ‘Fat Cat Friday’ to Parliament. IVF and the Welfare of WomenSiobhain is calling for the welfare of women to be at the heart of IVF law. Can you help the petition reach 100,000 signatures? St Helier Hospital Winter 2018After almost £50 million spent on 18 year's worth of consultations, a fully operational St Helier Hospital on its current site is once again under threat. previous123456next